90s Lyrics Quiz Thing


So, while talking to my friend Briann while at work today, she told me about this kewl quiz online where you fill in the blank lyrics to about 103 90s songs. It's kinda hard, but definitely worth a try for you 90s music buffs out there.

I will also definitely be updating tomorrow with a new review. Stay tuned!


Good luck!


I've added the other quiz as well. This one is the 80s quiz. I think it's a bit easier. Try it out:



Jack Off Jill


Seeing as Jack Off Jill is one of my favorite bands, it would be hard not to include them in a review of some sort. They were in existence from 1992-2000 with Jessicka Fodera as the lead singer. Now, Jessicka has another band named Scarling., which I will probably review sometime in the near future.

In high school, I guess I was kinda one of the kids that you would call 'emo' today. Please don't judge me! hehe. So, I first heard of Jack Off Jill when I was about 15, just after the release of their second and final album "Clear Hearts, Grey Flowers." The first album is called "Sexless Demons and Scars." This alludes somewhat to the dark content of the album, but what is excellent about the album is the way that Jessicka can sing almost lullingly and then suddenly start screaming. The songs have a childish innocence about them, even with titles like: Angels Fuck, Super Sadist, and Cumdumpster. Most notably is Angels Fuck, with some awesome piano in the background and Jessicka alternating from her soft voice to a serious scream. Her feelings show through so much in this song, especially when she says at the end when she says in a painful voice: " I will never make it better. It will always hurt, you fucking asshole!" It's a great song for anyone who has gone through a breakup, or just feels angry. Talk about powerful emotion.

Cumdumpster is a feminist outcry on the way women are treated by men. Example: C-c-c-c-call me cumdumpster
C-c-c-c-call me a cunt
C-c-c-call me clever Is that still ok

It's ok when a woman is a cunt, or bitch, but being clever..nah! It's just a great song pointing out the verbal everyday violence against women.

Just listen to the album and songs like Lollirot, Girlscout, Poor Impulse Control, Covet and American Made are all about our own human defects. And Devil With The Black Dress On is a perfect cruising song. It has an awesome beat, fun lyrics and it's great to speed to (yeah, I've done it -__-).

Their other album "Clear Hearts, Grey Flowers" was released in 2000 just before they disbanded. It starts with the track 'When I Am Queen,' which also has some awesome piano instrumentation. Again, Jessicka amazes me with her sweet/screaming voice. It's a song about self-destruction, rebirth and reclamation. Just listen! Two of my favorite JOJ songs are also on this album. They are 'Strawberry Gashes' and 'Vivica,' both are about saving someone from that which they cannot escape. Strawberry gashes is about a woman who cuts herself, and Vivica could possibly be about a woman who is abused by her significant other. You really have to listen to the songs because they have such powerful lyrics and awesome instrument-playing. Two other songs worth listening to first are 'Nazi Halo' and 'Author Unknown.' Both are indictments on someone or something. 'Nazi Halo' is Jessicka shouting out those who have hurt her, but it is a song I've listened to in the past when I've been really angry at someone. And 'Author Unkown' could be an indictment on religion or on anyone who tries to assert authority without the right. 'I met a man who was once on my side. He wrote a book and now everyone lies! NOOOOO!" So yeah, very powerful and awesome group, who unfortunately only released two studio albums, but there are remixes and hard-to-find EPs out there. I must go, but let me know if you liked the review.

If you would like to be able to hear some JOJ just throw me a line on here or email me at feministmovieblog@gmail.com



She's the Man


This is not a new movie by any means, but I will include many movies on here that I like (or am recommended) not just new ones. She's the Man is appropriate because I just watched it the other day on HBO and they're gonna give it again tomorrow (Friday) at 1015am! So, if anyone has HBO they can catch it there, or if you're familiar with finding movies online, then yeah. I have links if anyone wants, but you have to contact me. I'm available at feministmovieblog@gmail.com

Now, to the movie. This is definitely a movie to watch if you are in the mood for a light-hearted comedy, extremely bored, or easily amused. Either way, it's funny, but I know how critical people are. Basically, Amanda Bynes plays a girl named Viola, who plays soccer at her school. Unfortunately, her team is cut; she has a fight with her boyfriend and she decides to crossdress as her brother so she can continue to play soccer. She falls for her roommate, played by Channing Tatum, while he has a thing for Olivia, played by Laura Ramsey. It gets tricky because Olivia has a thing for Sebastian, who is actually Viola in drag.

It's a crazy, twisty turney movie on gender and its role in our lives. None of us really realizes what it's like to be a person of the opposite sex until we've tried it. Amanda Bynes shows that in quite a hilarious manner. It really is comedic and the movie reminds me of my own friends. It was comedic, cheesy and a full of mishaps. Like in every high school movie, all of the people were pretty and didn't really look like high school students, but what can ya do? At least the idea was cool, especially since the movie is based on Shakespeare's The Twelfth Night.

In no way does this movie deal as deeply with the gender issues underlying Shakespeare's work, but it does at least deal with the way women and girls are still treated unfairly in sports, despite the passing of Title IX in the United States. Women are still looked down upon in sports and it is really unfortunate, especially now that we're in the year 2008. Not to mention that women still earn only 75-77 cents for every dollar that a man earns. So, this movie is good, if only because of the comedy and kick ass-ness of a girl being shown playing soccer just as good as the guys!

Feel free to leave a comment or question or whatever. ^__^


Heath Ledger


As many of you already know, the actor Heath Ledger died today. It is so unfortunate. He seemed to have such a bright career ahead of him. I wanted to see what he would come up with in the future, especially his role as The Joker in the new Batman movie. It is especially sad for his daughter.

The first time I ever saw him was in 10 Things I Hate About You. Not the best cinematic masterpiece, but certainly a great teen flick. He was good in his role as a bad ass in that movie. He was also ass-kicking in Brokeback Mountain. Well, I just wanted to mention to you about his death and say: Goodbye Heath Ledger. I wish you a pleasant afterlife. More movies reviews will be coming soon. Hold tight or leave me a message or something. Byes!


I Am Legend


Yesterday, while very tired, I wound up watching a bootleg DVD of I Am Legend, with Will Smith. I've heard mixed reviews, but here's my take: The movie was pretty much a one-man-show with Mr. Smith. The title for the movie is pretty lame. It all seems like a self-aggrandizing, egotistical venture for Will Smith. However, I decided to give the movie a fair chance. Apparently, it was actually a 1954 sci-fi novella by Richard Matheson, which has influenced works by George Romero and even the British film 28 Days Later. I don't know much about the novella that Matheson wrote, but this movie was easy as hell to predict!

Bottom line: If you don't like watching movies that are ridiculously predictable, then just stay away.

Or, if you really like Will Smith, do watch. The movie is very Will Smith-centric. But I still think the dog stole the show from him! She is so cute...oh German Shepards! Anyway, the vampire baddy people were also kinda cool, but that's just cuz I like to see zombie/vampire baddies. Only other point of contention is that sometimes the movie seemed to drag on and on with Will Smith and a few character-related flashbacks.

There's not much to say. The plot is quite simple and predictable, especially if you are already familiar with vampire/zombie/disaster movies. But it is worth watching if you like Will Smith or are a vampire/zombie movie freak. Give it a try, but don't expect anything extremely new or different.




Who hasn't seen Juno yet? If you're into slightly cheesy, yet witty comedies then I say go watch it. You've got nothing to lose. The cast is superb! Ellen Page is awesome as Juno. Her speech seems very advanced for her age, which is good. She's portrayed as a smart chick who happens to get pregnant. The one thing that I did not necessarily care for was the abortion clinic scene in this movie. Let's just say it carries on a definite anti-choice, or pro-life if you choose to call it, entendre. I can respect those who are anti-choice and leave them to their own feelings, but it would be nice if they could do the same. As a woman, I feel that the right to choose SHOULD be an essential freedom as part of living in a "free" country, but that's beside the point.

Otherwise, the movie had definite strong points. The filming was well-done, the opening was cutely animated. The characters delivered witty lines and Allison Janney is awesome! It's almost like she's always in every movie I watch. Music in the movie is also noteworthy. Who can resist some good stuff from The Moldy Peaches? If you don't know who they are, you should check them out! http://www.themoldypeaches.com There was other stuff by Belle and Sebastian, Katastrophy Wife and other sweet acts.

Overall, the movie plays out well and is not unnecessarily sugary or over-the-top and it does not show pregnancy as something adorable or enviable. There is one funny scene involving a blue slushie. Hehehe. Check it out. Leave some comments and junk, too. :)




Maybe this is not the best movie to start off with, but fudge it! Lots of people have been comparing this shizz to the Blair Witch Project. After a minute, I could easily tell why--and was almost reaching for the barf bag. I was watching it with my boyfriend because we didn't know what else to watch, so nyah!

*spoilers alert - if you don't want anything at all spoiled, then just get lost*

Anyway, it begins with this U.S. Government thing, saying that the video cam was found in what used to be known as Central Park, now known as "Cloverfield." Cut to a guy holding his damn video cam, filming out of a window way high up in the nosebleed section of some fancy apartment in NYC. Then, it shows the girl he's with and how they spent their day together, etc.

It skips ahead about a month to some going away part for this guy. So, the basic premise is that this guy is going to Japan, but he loves this elite Manhattan socialite he slept with about a month ago. Big monster thing from outer space strikes. Big shebang. I won't give much else away, but basically the whole movie follows four characters through Manhattan, as the alien rampages through the city.

The reason for the march through the city was pretty lame. I mean, sure, love is a powerful thing, but if some huge monster were attacking my city I would definitely not be saying "Oh, let's go back for the person I love!" It's a bit idealistic, but the one thing that was refreshing about this was that for once it was a guy doing it! The main guy defies the stereotype of a rich player dude who just wants some ass. His character genuinely cared for the rich socialite shown earlier. That department does earn the movie major proppage. At least these characters were honestly written. I, as a viewer, did not want them to die because despite the unreality of it all, the actors actually pulled me in to their story. Suspension of disbelief is key when watching this. Otherwise, it's easy to pull out every stupid moment, unreality and other mistake in this movie. Just watch it for the nice action shots if anything! You even get to see mini monsters and the monster itself. Kinda kewl.

Likable characters were a definite plus in this movie. It's also good to see a movie once in a while that does not have a happy ending. Also, stay after the credits and you'll hear something. Maybe you can decipher what the hell it says. That's it for now! Toodles!


What's Feminism Got to Do With It?


Ok, so this is the intro to my blog. Unfortunately, feminism still seems to have a nasty connotation given to it, especially by some radical right-wing nuts! Do many people even know what it really is? I don't know, but I just wanted to say that YOU are a feminist if you believe in equal rights for everyone and in the humane treatment of people. Feminism is for men, women, children or whoever could benefit from being freed from oppression in their lives. Sounds good?

I'm here to write about my experiences with watching movies. Yes, as a feminist, but I like to be fair in my assessments of things I watch. My reviews will be aimed at you, the regular viewer of movies, but I hope to bring a different prospective on movie reviews. Many movies really amuse me. Read my reviews and feel free to agree, disagree, make a suggestion, or whatever. Everyone is welcome! ^__^
